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Pair 6 EW - Toni Davidson / Avner Misrachi
Place: 4, Percentage: 53.17%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 19: Renate Schadack / Shelley Pope2S E7H9140225%  
Board 29: Renate Schadack / Shelley Pope4D E6H9-508100%  
Board 510: Lea Coulston / Dorothy Stevenson2NT N4D9-150450%  
Board 610: Lea Coulston / Dorothy Stevenson4C W7H10130675%  
Board 911: Anne Fitzgerald / Mary-Jane Weld3NT N2C9-400112%  
Board 1011: Anne Fitzgerald / Mary-Jane Weld4S SAC82008100%  
Board 116: Diaine Clark / Beryl Gelling4S W9D9-50330%  
Board 126: Diaine Clark / Beryl Gelling3S E4H9140660%  
Board 157: Veronica Sakell / Lynne Marszalek2D NAS8-90225%  
Board 167: Veronica Sakell / Lynne Marszalek3S WAH9140562%  
Board 198: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert3NT SQC850562%  
Board 208: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert3H N5S10-170338%  

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