Pair 10 EW - Sue Burke / Mavis Kerr
Place: 4, Percentage: 55.85%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 11: Billie Watson / Anne McEntee 3NT W 6H 11 460 12 100% Board 2 11: Billie Watson / Anne McEntee 4 E
8S 9 -50 4 33% Board 5 1: Deb Bower / Maria Rolls 4 W
2D 9 -50 9.5 79% Board 6 1: Deb Bower / Maria Rolls 3 W
8C 10 170 11.8 98% Board 9 2: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert 1 N
6S 9 -110 4 33% Board 10 2: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert 3 N
TS 9 -110 3 25% Board 13 3: Paul Fredheim / Lynn Barlow 2 E
3D 6 -200 1.3 11% Board 14 3: Paul Fredheim / Lynn Barlow 2 N
KH 8 -90 7.2 60% Board 17 4: Sally Giblin / Helen Thomas 3NT N 2S 8 50 12 100% Board 18 4: Sally Giblin / Helen Thomas 4 W
JS 8 -100 3 25% Board 19 10: Anna Chivers / Dorothy Stevenson 2 S
3S 8 -110 4 33% Board 20 10: Anna Chivers / Dorothy Stevenson 3 N
9D 11 -150 6 50% Board 21 5: Renate Schadack / Shelley Pope 5 W
AS 11 400 8 67% Board 22 5: Renate Schadack / Shelley Pope 2 N
TC 10 -170 8 67%
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