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Pair 7 EW - Ian Ritchard / David Blackburn
Place: 7, Percentage: 42.08%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 18: Pam Barter / Betty Pilgrim2S NJC610010100%  
Board 28: Pam Barter / Betty Pilgrim2S WAC9140770%  
Board 38: Pam Barter / Betty Pilgrim3NT SAC10-430220%  
Board 48: Pam Barter / Betty Pilgrim5NT S7S11-660660%  
Board 55: Clive Sellen / Liz Sellen4H SKC12-680220%  
Board 65: Clive Sellen / Liz Sellen4H NKS10-420220%  
Board 75: Clive Sellen / Liz Sellen2C E9H890770%  
Board 85: Clive Sellen / Liz Sellen3H NKS850660%  
Board 91: Colin Finch / Geoff Green3NT WJS10630550%  
Board 101: Colin Finch / Geoff Green3HX EQC8-200440%  
Board 111: Colin Finch / Geoff Green5D SAH11-400220%  
Board 121: Colin Finch / Geoff Green4S NTD10-620440%  
Board 172: Marleen Lynch / Rosemary Rowell4SX EJC9-100220%  
Board 182: Marleen Lynch / Rosemary Rowell2C EKS911000%  
Board 192: Marleen Lynch / Rosemary Rowell4S EQH9-10000%  
Board 202: Marleen Lynch / Rosemary Rowell3NT E7S10630550%  
Board 257: Warren Papworth / Jenny Cranston4H S2D95010100%  
Board 267: Warren Papworth / Jenny Cranston2NT WQH6-20000%  
Board 277: Warren Papworth / Jenny Cranston2H EKD9140660%  
Board 287: Warren Papworth / Jenny Cranston1S SJD8-110330%  
Board 294: Roger Hooley / Judy Hooley4S SKC11-650110%  
Board 304: Roger Hooley / Judy Hooley3NT W4D9400880%  
Board 314: Roger Hooley / Judy Hooley3NT W4D9400990%  
Board 324: Roger Hooley / Judy Hooley4H WJD9-10000%  

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