Pair 5 EW - Sophie Kim / Barbara Carolan
Place: 10, Percentage: 42.36%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 9: Geraldine Morehead / Kerry McKillop 1NT N 3C 9 -150 4 40% Board 2 9: Geraldine Morehead / Kerry McKillop 2NT E 4H 7 -50 4 40% Board 5 10: Chaya Rivers / Catherine Catt 2 E
2C 9 140 10 83% Board 6 10: Chaya Rivers / Catherine Catt 2 E
KD 7 -100 0 0% Board 9 5: Anna Chivers / Dorothy Stevenson 4 W
AD 9 -100 5 42% Board 10 5: Anna Chivers / Dorothy Stevenson 4 E
4D 11 650 6 50% Board 11 12: Sally Morse / Russell Morse 4 W
8H 9 -50 1 10% Board 12 12: Sally Morse / Russell Morse 2 W
TD 5 -150 0 0% Board 13 6: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert 4 W
AD 8 -200 0 0% Board 14 6: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert 4 N
8D 9 50 8 67% Board 17 7: Anne Fitzgerald / Mary-Jane Weld 2 S
4S 8 -90 5 42% Board 18 7: Anne Fitzgerald / Mary-Jane Weld 4 E
4S 10 420 7 58% Board 21 8: Suzanne Coleman / Craig Coleman 3 S
TH 11 -200 9 75% Board 22 8: Suzanne Coleman / Craig Coleman 3 N
3H 12 -170 10 83%
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