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Pair 10 NS - David Tatham / Ian Barton
Place: 7, Percentage: 48.51%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 19: Ian Ritchard / David Blackburn2H S6S101701393%  
Board 29: Ian Ritchard / David Blackburn3NT N3C960014100%  
Board 39: Ian Ritchard / David Blackburn3NT SAC8-50857%  
Board 48: Tony Dix / Hugh Griffiths2D WKC10-130214%  
Board 58: Tony Dix / Hugh Griffiths3C N9H1115000%  
Board 68: Tony Dix / Hugh Griffiths3S E2D11-2001286%  
Board 77: Bronwyn Leslie / Stephen Stolp3NT EJC9-6001071%  
Board 87: Bronwyn Leslie / Stephen Stolp2NT WAH750750%  
Board 97: Bronwyn Leslie / Stephen Stolp2C S9S91101179%  
Board 106: Duncan Hamilton / Joy Stoddart3S SKD8-100857%  
Board 116: Duncan Hamilton / Joy Stoddart2D W6S9-110429%  
Board 126: Duncan Hamilton / Joy Stoddart4H N5D8-20000%  
Board 134: Rupert Manners / Doug Bridge3D W6C81001071%  
Board 144: Rupert Manners / Doug Bridge4H E3S9501286%  
Board 154: Rupert Manners / Doug Bridge4H W8D10-420857%  
Board 163: Ann Druett / Beryl Gelling3NT E5D10-630964%  
Board 173: Ann Druett / Beryl Gelling3D W6S850536%  
Board 183: Ann Druett / Beryl Gelling3NT E3C8501393%  
Board 192: Henry Nogajski / Ruth Nogajski2NT N6H11210214%  
Board 202: Henry Nogajski / Ruth Nogajski5D S5S10-100429%  
Board 212: Henry Nogajski / Ruth Nogajski6H S6D11-10017%  
Board 2810: Trish Colles / Malcolm Sherlock3NT N6S8-100214%  
Board 2910: Trish Colles / Malcolm Sherlock2NT S6S7-100857%  
Board 3010: Trish Colles / Malcolm Sherlock2NT W6D10-18000%  

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