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Pair 4 EW - Rupert Manners / Doug Bridge
Place: 7, Percentage: 50.6%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 48: Rhonda McLean / Odile Glenn3D WTH9110643%  
Board 58: Rhonda McLean / Odile Glenn3NT S3H9-6001179%  
Board 68: Rhonda McLean / Odile Glenn2S EAH1017000%  
Board 104: Bronwyn Peatling / Victoria Onslow2NT N2D530014100%  
Board 114: Bronwyn Peatling / Victoria Onslow1NT E5C790857%  
Board 124: Bronwyn Peatling / Victoria Onslow2H N2D8-110964%  
Board 1310: David Tatham / Ian Barton3D W6C8-100429%  
Board 1410: David Tatham / Ian Barton4H E3S9-50214%  
Board 1510: David Tatham / Ian Barton4H W8D10420643%  
Board 165: Clive Sellen / Liz Sellen3NT E4S960017%  
Board 175: Clive Sellen / Liz Sellen2S N2D8-110429%  
Board 185: Clive Sellen / Liz Sellen3NT EJH10430964%  
Board 191: Philip Le Grove / Graeme Poulton3NT N2H12-49000%  
Board 201: Philip Le Grove / Graeme Poulton5C NAS11-600321%  
Board 211: Philip Le Grove / Graeme Poulton6H S3S111001393%  
Board 226: Leonie Atkins / Brendan Richardson4H S4S62001071%  
Board 236: Leonie Atkins / Brendan Richardson3H W4S112001071%  
Board 246: Leonie Atkins / Brendan Richardson3D W2D111501286%  
Board 252: Pauline Mundy-Castle / John Shepperd4H WTS9-100214%  
Board 262: Pauline Mundy-Castle / John Shepperd4S EAH106201393%  
Board 272: Pauline Mundy-Castle / John Shepperd4NT E3D1352014100%  
Board 287: Edward Gee / Ann Gee3NT N2S81001286%  
Board 297: Edward Gee / Ann Gee1NT N3C7-9017%  
Board 307: Edward Gee / Ann Gee3S W5D8-50643%  

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