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Pair 3 EW - Ann Druett / Beryl Gelling
Place: 10, Percentage: 29.76%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 17: Edward Gee / Ann Gee3H SAC9-140857%  
Board 27: Edward Gee / Ann Gee3S SJH9-140536%  
Board 37: Edward Gee / Ann Gee3NT NAS850643%  
Board 73: Colin Finch / Geoff Green4S E7C8-20017%  
Board 83: Colin Finch / Geoff Green3NTX W7H7-30000%  
Board 93: Colin Finch / Geoff Green2C S2S8-90750%  
Board 109: Warren Papworth / Jenny Cranston2H N2D10-17017%  
Board 119: Warren Papworth / Jenny Cranston2S S4D9-14000%  
Board 129: Warren Papworth / Jenny Cranston3S EAH7-1001286%  
Board 134: Bronwyn Peatling / Victoria Onslow2NT W4S81201393%  
Board 144: Bronwyn Peatling / Victoria Onslow3S S8H850643%  
Board 154: Bronwyn Peatling / Victoria Onslow2NT W7D12240214%  
Board 1610: David Tatham / Ian Barton3NT E5D10630536%  
Board 1710: David Tatham / Ian Barton3D W6S8-50964%  
Board 1810: David Tatham / Ian Barton3NT E3C8-5017%  
Board 195: Clive Sellen / Liz Sellen3NT NAH11-460536%  
Board 205: Clive Sellen / Liz Sellen5D S3S11-600321%  
Board 215: Clive Sellen / Liz Sellen6NT S3H12-144017%  
Board 221: Philip Le Grove / Graeme Poulton3S W8H8-10000%  
Board 231: Philip Le Grove / Graeme Poulton2NT STH62001071%  
Board 241: Philip Le Grove / Graeme Poulton3C S3D7100321%  
Board 256: Leonie Atkins / Brendan Richardson2S S8H9-14000%  
Board 266: Leonie Atkins / Brendan Richardson1NT WQH812000%  
Board 276: Leonie Atkins / Brendan Richardson4H STD7150214%  

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