Pair 6 EW - Peter Read / Christina Buell
Place: 3, Percentage: 61.81%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 3 9: Paul Lofts / Sharlene Campbell 3 N
KD 9 -140 3 25% Board 4 9: Paul Lofts / Sharlene Campbell 4 E
JS 9 -100 1 8% Board 7 10: David Wallace / GERALDINE STUCKI 4 E
2S 10 620 12 100% Board 8 10: David Wallace / GERALDINE STUCKI 4 W
AD 11 450 10 83% Board 11 6: Wendy Gilson / Lindsey Johnstone 1 S
5C 6 50 9 75% Board 12 6: Wendy Gilson / Lindsey Johnstone 3NT E AC 10 430 11.8 98% Board 13 2: Shelley Pope / Renate Schadack 2 N
2H 10 -170 9 75% Board 14 2: Shelley Pope / Renate Schadack 1NTX W AH 10 480 12 100% Board 15 7: Suzanne Coleman / Craig Coleman 3 E
5S 8 -50 8 67% Board 16 7: Suzanne Coleman / Craig Coleman 4 N
5S 8 100 12 100% Board 17 3: Annette Bills / Lea Coulston 3NT W 5S 9 400 6 50% Board 18 3: Annette Bills / Lea Coulston 3NT S 7D 10 -630 2 17% Board 19 8: Hazel Mariot / Rita Talbot 3 N
AD 9 -140 6 50% Board 20 8: Hazel Mariot / Rita Talbot 3NT N 8S 9 -600 2 17%
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