Pair 5 NS - Brendan Wakely / Ross Stephens
Place: 4, Percentage: 38.89%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 4: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert 4 W
AD 10 -420 2 50% Board 2 4: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert 2 W
AS 11 -200 1 25% Board 3 4: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert 4 S
TD 11 450 1 25% Board 4 3: Anna Wylie / Amy Richardson 2 N
4C 5 -300 0 0% Board 5 3: Anna Wylie / Amy Richardson 2 W
TS 10 -170 0 0% Board 6 3: Anna Wylie / Amy Richardson 4 W
6C 10 -620 2 50% Board 13 5: Louise Gilfedder / Therese Gilfedder 3 N
5D 11 150 0 0% Board 14 5: Louise Gilfedder / Therese Gilfedder 3 S
AC 3 -300 4 100% Board 15 5: Louise Gilfedder / Therese Gilfedder 2 W
AS 5 150 4 100%
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