Pair 13 NS - Catherine Catt / Chaya Rivers
Place: 5, Percentage: 55.67%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 12: Anne McEntee / Billie Watson 3NT N 2D 9 400 10 100% Board 2 12: Anne McEntee / Billie Watson 3 S
2S 9 110 7 70% Board 3 11: Margie Playsted / Catharine Bartonek 1NT N 3S 9 150 7 70% Board 4 11: Margie Playsted / Catharine Bartonek 2 E
AC 7 100 8 80% Board 5 10: Mavis Kerr / Sue Burke 2 N
2D 6 -200 3 30% Board 6 10: Mavis Kerr / Sue Burke 4 E
QC 10 -620 4 40% Board 7 9: Diane Gain / Claire Bilton 4 N
QS 11 650 7 70% Board 8 9: Diane Gain / Claire Bilton 4 N
AC 9 -50 0.2 2% Board 9 8: Leonie Atkins / Helen Thomas 3NT E 2C 9 -600 3 30% Board 10 8: Leonie Atkins / Helen Thomas 2 W
2D 8 -110 2.6 26% Board 25 13: Randolph Wierenga / Glenn Frame 4 N
3H 11 450 10 100% Board 26 13: Randolph Wierenga / Glenn Frame 2 E
JD 9 -140 5 50%
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