Pair 2 EW - Toni Davidson / Avner Misrachi
Place: 8, Percentage: 46.83%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 3 2: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert 2 N
2D 8 -110 6 60% Board 4 2: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert 1 E
AH 9 140 8.6 86% Board 7 3: Christina Buell / Peter Read 3 S
3C 9 -110 7 70% Board 8 3: Christina Buell / Peter Read 3 N
6D 8 50 3 30% Board 11 4: Sharon Wilkinson / Phil Wilkinson 4 E
2S 9 -50 3 30% Board 12 4: Sharon Wilkinson / Phil Wilkinson 3 E
KS 9 140 2.6 26% Board 15 5: Paul Lofts / Sharlene Campbell 2 S
8H 9 -140 8 80% Board 16 5: Paul Lofts / Sharlene Campbell 3 S
5H 8 50 0 0% Board 19 6: Annette Bills / Lea Coulston 4 N
AH 10 -130 6 60% Board 20 6: Annette Bills / Lea Coulston 2 E
4S 9 110 4 40% Board 23 7: Anne Fitzgerald / Mary-Jane Weld 2 S
TD 7 100 6 60% Board 24 7: Anne Fitzgerald / Mary-Jane Weld 3NT N 7D 10 -430 2 20%
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