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Vera Houdek Summer Swiss Pairs - Simon Benham / Graeme Poulton
  Match Opponent Matchpoints Percentage VPs Cum. Rank
Vera Houdek Summer Swiss Pairs - Match 1Sarah Howard / David Marshall (12) 60.0033.33%1.3319
Vera Houdek Summer Swiss Pairs - Match 2Kevin Wheelahan / Marg Enright (15) 95.0052.78%11.8517
Vera Houdek Summer Swiss Pairs - Match 3Geraldine Carey / Engelina Poulton (18) 62.0034.44%1.7821
Vera Houdek Summer Swiss Pairs - Match 4Lynne Marszalek / Shelley Pope (22) 118.0065.56%18.2218
Vera Houdek Summer Swiss Pairs - Match 5Trish Colles / Malcolm Sherlock (17) 113.0062.78%17.1112
Vera Houdek Summer Swiss Pairs - Match 6Gill Robinson / Vicki Douglas (19) 83.0046.11%7.4115
Totals  57.70 

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